Sample Tribute To Late Uncle
We all wish to fulfill our days on earth with our loved ones by our side at all times. But sadly, death is a painful sting we cannot avoid. The death of an uncle is indeed a huge loss to bear and we sincerely sympathize with you at a time like this.
In this article, you will find sample eulogies that will help you write a befitting tribute for your deceased uncle as you pay him your final respect on his funeral day.
Sample Eulogies To Deceased Uncle
We still wake up every morning hoping this is a dream, and it hurts knowing you are gone forever. On the Saturday we spoke you sounded okay and you told us you were leaving the hospital very soon only for us to hear you had another stroke which made you leave us so quick. We had plans to come down and spend time with you after our exams, but God decided it was your time. Everyone felt the pain that you had been suffering for so long.We will cherish every single moment we spent with you. I guess this is our final goodbye since we never got the chance to do so. Rest in peace Uncle, We will definitely miss you
things have not been the same.
Our lives fell apart,
when you died that day.You’ve left us behind to mourn
your death all our days on earth.
We didn’t get to say goodbye
but now all we can do is cry.We never thought
that this day would come,
but even though your soul has departed from earth,
you’ll always remain in my heart.
Adieu Uncle!
I can still remember vividly the joyful countenance he always exhibited whenever he sees us, the cheerfulness in him and the unending generosity that was his unique identity.Keeping the ties of kinship is a major act of goodness in Islam that attracts immense reward and long life, one of fulfilment and success. My late uncle had a good understanding of this religious duty and it’s significance, thus he has always ensured it’s application. Our joys know no bounds whenever we see him and usually with our cousins, not only for the requests he was always ready to listen to and ensured their fulfilment, but also the joviality he has always exhibited, he has fostered unity and brotherhood in us as a family. All these memories have refuse to wane, I guess may be because they’re are meant to remind us that no matter how good and religiously committed you are, death shall still seek you when your appointed time reaches.(Insert the date he died) was the day he left us, a day we grieved with utmost sadness, but Alhamdulillah our mind is at rest because we know him to be a companion of the Qura’n which we pray should intercede on his behalf insha Allah. His religious commitment was enviable, so also his compassionate nature. Praying for him is a daily habit for us, I guess maybe that’s the reason why those memories we had with him refuse to wane away.
May Allah have mercy on you uncle, and admit you to Jannatul Firdaus.
My uncle was my father’s youngest brother. He was a good father, a good husband, an excellent provider, and fine uncle.
He has been in a nursing home for many years and I visited when I could and sent gifts and flowers when I couldn’t. I hope these helped to brighten his day the way he brightened mine when I was growing up. He was always very active until his knees got bad, but through everything he kept his sense of humor.
My uncle loved his family. he was devoted to his children and his wife. He was always kind to my brother and sister and me. He checked on his other brother who was in ill health for many years and was a good brother to him.
I don’t know what else to say about my uncle except that I was extremely fortunate to have him as my uncle and now that he is gone, I miss him. Rest in peace, in the arms of the angels, as they carry you to heaven. Adieu uncle.. We miss you greatly!
My uncle was different from the rest of our family. He was loud, outgoing and the life of the party. Every time I saw him he would tell me a joke before saying “hi” and would laugh so hard you could hear him from a mile away. He always had a smile on his face and you could tell he loved life.My uncle was a world traveler. He could rarely sit still, let alone remain in the same city for long. He was a jetsetter and loved exploring new countries. He had a strong appreciation for culture and tried to learn as much as he could about each place he visited. I really respected this about him. Unlike many people who will see a few sights during their travels, he really cared a lot about the people he met and places he saw.Even though my uncle was rarely in town for long, he made an effort to visit our family often. He cared about us a lot and never wanted to lose touch. When I was younger I remember receiving postcards from him from around the world. As I grew up, we would often chat on the phone and email. I absolutely loved hearing his stories and learning about the places he was visiting. I got my love for travel from my uncle.I will miss you Uncle. With a very heavy heart, I say ADIEU!
You touched so many lives by your selfless and countless acts of kindness, always giving and never expecting any favours in return. Your dedication to a cause was what set you apart. For every institution you worked for, you laid the path for others to succeed.
The benefits of your hard work is a living testimony for so many young men and women you took under your wings at a personal and professional level.
Uncle, you were and will always be an inspiration to myself, the entire family and anyone who worked with you. You have left a void in the family that will never be filled.
While we mourn today, we also take comfort in the fact that your mission on earth have been fulfilled. We thank the Lord for your life and bid you farewell until we meet again
Your Nephew
(Insert Name)
44 years young and it was time for you to go. It was sudden and unexpected. And to make matters worse, your birthday is coming up only a few days after you left us. You always encouraged me to be me when most people didn’t understand. I still can hear your booming laughter and voice. I am terrible at keeping touch and once in a while you would call me to check up on me and talk. I’ve always appreciated and loved that. I love how you use to call my mom and tell her to meet you in NYC and you would take her out for a fun filled day. She would always be so happy when she came home and tell me all about it. We are all saddened by your untimely death. I still can’t believe it. When me and Mom went to go see you in the hospital, it was hard to look at you unconscious with all those tubes everywhere, yet I could not take my eyes off you trying to imagine that I might never see or hear you again.
My Mom was crying for you in the hospital calling your name over and over and I got annoyed at her displaying her grief. I guess I was annoyed because I grieve different. I’d rather be alone and cry for you. But everyone will have to handle it their own way. There are times I am fine, and then there are times your voice will pop up in my head and I start crying. I just want to know you are alright.
I even got mad at God. How can we be praying to the same God that did not save you? I prayed and prayed for you to get better. I even felt it in my bones that you would wake up. My Mom felt you would wake up and see all the tubes and ask what happened? The same God that you preached to people about… The same God that you loved… The same God you seek and prayed to everyday… Is the same God who let you die. I sometimes question if there even really is a God.
You preached the word of God to those wanting to listen and people loved your bubbly and outgoing personality. People loved the way you dressed. In fact, when I went to see you, I met a lady who came to visit and she said you preached at her church. She said you were perfectly “fine” with your red suit on. That you were happy and stylish (as usual) and she just did not believe that this happened to you the very next day.
Just know we all love you and will miss you deeply.
Rest In Perfect Peace Uncle.
It is very sad to know that we lost him to the cold hands of death. Your death has left a void that no one can ever fill. Our only consolation is that we know your seated with God in heaven. We miss you uncle and bid you goodbye with a very heavy heart. Adieu Uncle.
A thursday evening like every other at the college, I received calls of the death of my uncle turned father. A man with integrity, honesty, hardworking and gentle, someone I always wanted to emulate.
What a sore it caused to my heart, I’ve never felt this bad before in my entire life as it still sounded as a dream within the first few minutes. I rushed home to meet our house full of masses, those who came to mourn his death – truely and falsely.
Some even cried out their eyeballs pitying the family he left behind – a wife and four children all still in school. I was at a corner trying to sober but my lacrimals refuse me of tears.
I have become wicked according to friends ever since I started dissecting cadaver at the anatomy lab. I have seen many patients died at the hospital emergencies with their relatives crying and mourning. Something I blame medicine for.
My uncle worked very hard to feed the monogamous family, me inclusive. He was just an interstate transporter, something he became tired of due to the stress it comes with. Sadly, he eventually died from road traffic accident.
I fully became his family when I gained admission into the university some years ago. He was very nice, spent half of his earnings on me, the other half on his family.
Maybe writing down about him will make me at least feel emotional. I was there when his corpse was brought to our house, someone that left hale and healthy for means of survival. Such is life, no one knows what happens in the next few minutes – why we should always act goodly every time to every one.
From spiritual bath, to prayer, then burial I was there, still no fluid escaped my tear glands but obviously I was pained to the periosteal lining. I am never going to see my lovely uncle again. Something we never wished for. Two weeks ago, we were together at a wedding.
What a painful exit to a man loved by all. May his gentle soul continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord till the day of accountability.
Goodby my dearest uncle.
We are all blessed for having known you. For having loved you and been loved by you. To have called you “our own”. MY uncle, MY brother, MY grandpa. And for my dear cousins, MY dad. To be able to say this with so much pride and gratitude to the Almighty – we are a blessed family indeed. You came. You conquered all our hearts. Lived life to the fullest. Then left. Your being here – on this earth, in this world, mattered. You have nevertheless left us with a beautiful legacy, in your beautiful boys that continues to shine brightly. Aside from praying for your soul to rest in peace, there is nothing more I could want or ask for you.
Sleep well, Uncle.
My great uncle passed away on Monday morning. He was my last living great uncle. He was a gentle, energetic visionary father-figure of our family, who even in his elderly age could not sit still. His spirit was always driving to make the world a better place. He was the kind of person that everyone knew. Mentioning his name would bring a smile to people that you would never imagined he had even met, let along that he had touched their lives in such a memorable way. In fact he radically changed the lives of many. His energy filled the room, even though I remember him as a small slim man. When he was moved, or felt passionately he would spontaneously create couplets of poetry to describe his feelings. And passionate, innovative and poetic he was.
The whole extended family across the globe is mourning for his loss, and each tribute I read for him brings tears to my eyes. I did not know him well as he lived abroad, but even the few times that I was blessed to meet him, he has been indelibly stamped on my memory and my heart. Adieu Uncle!
Adieu Uncle!!
When I close my eyes and think of you, I think of sneezes that could topple buildings and laughter that could move mountains. I think of you, full of life. I remember running into your arms as you scooped me up for a hug. I remember the thrill I felt as you tossed
me into the air. I remember soaring, and feeling like I could touch the sky. But you got there before me, and I know that Heaven has welcomed a saint, still full of that buoyant life you always had.
You are certainly in a peaceful place with no pains, but we will miss the love and care you shared to us.YES, those loving memories will live on; vivid pictures where as kids you will drive very far miles to celebrate our birthdays while our dad was in Europe. It didn’t end there, over 10yrs later you were instrumental in organizing a joined birthday for your kids and your nephews/nieces– What a memory and good person you are, reason our dad has always positioned you as natural and “number 1 ” while he follows happily as “number 2” — yes Uncle, it’s those deeds of yours that we will have a huge void to fill.We will strive to continue that love and we pray you intercede for us as we still search to understand and duel in your absence, we as a family will strive to share those values of kindness, humility, compassion and fatherly nature to the world; values that cannot be transformed to money nor learned in a classroom but only nurtured from being good to others. A good person you were, UNCLE.Adieu! Adieu our Uncle and thanks for showing us that despite the pains from the evil cancer you stood your heels to Faith, prayers and perseverance as a true warrior.Adieu our UNCLE
God was to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.
You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again. Adieu Uncle.. We miss you!
I remember like yesterday how you never failed to visit me every month during my secondary school years at (insert name of school). How you rode on those bicycles through rough roads just to make sure I had all I needed in school.Come rain, come shine you were there with my mum, your sister, when our father was away studying, you were our pillar of support. You were always around us. my brothers and I who you helped to nurture will really miss you and your honest fatherly advice. Your sudden death came as a rude shock.We did not expect it and wish we had more time to continue to appreciate you. God in His infinite wisdom knows best.May Our Lord comfort and sustain your family, your wife and children now and always. May God Almighty keep you safe resting in perfect peace till resurrection day, Amen.!!!ADIEU MY LOVING UNCLE
A cure was not to be.
So He put His arms around him
and whispered, “Come with Me.”
With tearful eyes, we watched him suffer,
And saw him fade away.
Although we loved him dearly,
We could not make him stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes “The Best”.
RIP Sweet Uncle