Lovely Thank You Messages For Birthday Wishes
Most times, people feel overwhelmed by the love, gifts and kind words they receive on their birthdays, and ponder on ways to show gratitude to each and everyone for making their birthday celebration a memorable one. When loved ones send you birthday wishes, it is only fine that you reciprocate by thanking them for their wishes.
In this article, we have compiled a list of lovely thank you messages for birthday wishes that will help you express deep gratitude to your family and friends.
Emotional Appreciation Messages For Birthday Wishes
Thanks for all the birthday wishes! You made a great day even greater!
I would like to thank everyone who have wished me well this birthday, and I can only hope that this year will treat you well.
I have enjoyed scrolling through the wishes and sweet birthday messages and it clearly shows how much my friends care. Thank you for taking the time to celebrate with me.
I have lost count of your beautiful birthday messages. They are simply overwhelming. Thank you so much.
Thank you for wishing me Happy Birthday and making me a star with your astonishing birthday wishes. You made me the happiest person in the world on my Big Day, and for that may God richly bless you.
Seeing such birthday wishes and fair turn up is a great reminder that we all have people who care about us regardless of the hectic lives we all lead. Thank you all!
All the marvelous birthday wishes were truly the icing on the cake. Thank you for the many expressions of love.
Your birthday wishes left my heart overflowing with so much joy I couldn’t believe I was on earth and not in paradise. Thumbs up to you all. I’m truly blessed to enjoy a life that has the presence of the most wonderful people in the world in it.
Your birthday wishes touched me. It was amazing, and I really loved it. I’ll always treasure you as my best friend.
My heart will always be filled with beautiful memories of this unique day. I’m grateful to you for making me the center of the world on my birthday.
Thanks to your amazing and excellent wishes, I’m full of happiness and joy today. The birthday was a blast! May you be blessed in equal measure.
As I read through each message, a wonderful memory of each one of you crossed my mind. And that is easily the best birthday gift. Thank you, friends.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. You really made my day!
Hey guys! I would just like you to know that I have received your birthday wishes, and I truly appreciate it. Thank you so much for making my birthday this year a blessed one!
For the lovely surprises and the superb arrangements, receive my utmost heartfelt gratitude. You are simply the best.
Here’s a note to say thank you for remembering my birthday. It means so much that you think of me on my special day, and continue to show your love and support.
The ears are always tickled by words. I want to show appreciation to all who tickled my ears and touched my heart with wonderful messages on my birthday. I feel honored to be remembered by you all.
The cake is gone now but what remains is the wishes you showered. Thanks very much for making my birthday special!
Did you know how many gifts I received this year for my birthday? 30! Birthday wishes? Over 75! I would like to thank the 30 people who wished me and gave me a gift. As for the other 45, just know that I’m waiting for that long-due gift. Just kidding! Thank you all.
We all get tired of growing old, but I will never get tired of hearing those sweet birthday wishes from you. Thank you so much!
Once again, the gang came through! You are the best! Thanks for a great time on my birthday.
I had a lovely birthday! Thank you for all my messages, cards, and gifts but most of all thanks for being my friends and family. Not a bad bunch at all.
I thank everybody, my brothers, sisters, friends and all well wishers who sent Birthday messages to me. I really enjoyed my day and you guys made it extra special.
As if the birthday cake you bought for me wasn’t enough, you went on to design a mind-blowing birthday card filled with the best wishes ever. Thank you so much. You are forever blessed.
Each of you made a huge difference to my birthday this year. You brightened up the event so much, and that means a lot to me! It was the best birthday I ever had, and so, thank you.
Birthday lasts for only a day whereas well wishes remain in the heart years after years. I’m full of thanks for your blessings and special well wishes on the anniversary of my birth.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you for the wonderful congratulations, incredible and responsive wishes, compliments, for all kind words! I’m so pleased with the attention and I’m glad that such kind people surround me!
Your kind words are like a sweet fragrance poured all over my heart, and your gifts are like special ornaments offered to a king. Thank you for all your input and time invested in making this a success.
I received so many wishes from everyone around me that I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed! I can’t reply the wishes individually, but do know that I have received your wishes and I can’t express my gratitude enough.
Thanks for wishing me a Happy Birthday, everyone! It was happy indeed, thanks to you!
Thank You Messages For Birthday Wishes To Family & Friends
To all my friends and family members, thank you. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday, and a special thank you to all my friends who made it through the terrible traffic just to attend my birthday party. I love you all!!
It’s been a great birthday again this year, and you played a big role in making it happen. Thank you for giving me a birthday to remember!
Accept my deepest gratitude for making this birthday a memorable one. You knew what I desired most and pulled it off seamlessly. Cheers to being best friends for life. Thank you.
My birthday wouldn’t have been the same without a special wish from each one of you. Thank you for the kind words and the constant reminder of the importance of friendship.
I am blessed to be surrounded by such a great family and friends. Your love is what made my birthday, one that I will always remember.
Pleasant days are rare to come by, and your best wishes made my day one of the most pleasant and special days of my life. Being cherished by your loved ones is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
I am so grateful to God for giving me a friend like you, someone who can’t forget a single aspect of my life. Thank you very much for your birthday wishes.
Birthdays can draw little affection from our friends and family but you have forever been there for me. Those warm wishes and countless words of advice make me who I am today. Thanks very much!
I know we don’t get along well all the time, but you’re still my sister/brother, and your birthday wishes still means a lot to me just the same. Thank you.
The wishes you sent me on my birthday meant more to me than you’d ever know. And for that, I just want to say a big thank you.
Actions speak louder than words, but the words you expressed in your birthday wishes are so cute and adorable that I love it more than that gift you gave me!
Your priceless birthday messages have made me find more comfort in friendship. I’m very grateful to all my friends and family for completing my special day.
Without your sweet love and support, my birthday would not have been the same. Thank you so much my lovely family and friends.
Thanks a ton for the mind-blowing birthday wishes. You are all special to me and I would never trade this gift of friendship with anything in the world.
I could never be thankful enough for the unforgettable birthday treat. It was so fulfilling to see all of you sacrificing your time, energy and money to grace the occasion. Sending love to every one of you.
I have to admit that I felt really spoilt with all that birthday gifts and wishes from my entire family. I can’t wish for a better family!
This birthday, I am once again reminded of the bountiful joys that I have reaped from my friends and family, and how blessed I am to have so much love from everyone around me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
You have officially become more than friends to me. You are family. Thank you for your love and support, not only during my birthday but even throughout the past experiences.
I could never say thank you enough for the joy you have all brought me on my birthday. You are a constant reminder that true friends do exist. Let’s all keep showering each other with such support and love.
To all my friends and loved ones who wished me well on my birthday, I say thank you for making me feel exceptional, great and loved.
It’s overwhelming to experience friendship worth keeping. You pierced my heart with arrows of birthday wishes. Thank you all for your funny yet powerful messages.
My family is always with me and so are you. I am lost of words to describe what my heart feels right now, just to say thanks for your warm birthday wishes.
Thank you to all my friends for the birthday wishes, gifts, laughs, weird birthday jokes, and everything. I keep our more than 20 years of friendship and love in my heart. You guys are too much. Love you all.
No amount of money can buy the joy your wishes brought to me on my birthday. You have made me realize how much you cherish our friendship.
My birthday wouldn’t have been enjoyable without the sweet wishes I received from great friends like you.
Your astonishingly beautiful birthday wishes lit up my special day like the rays of the sun. I can’t thank you enough for that exceptionally beautiful gesture.
Giving someone reasons to press on and spread their wings is the greatest opportunity loved ones can offer on a day like this. I’m eternally grateful to you for giving me a million reasons to smile on my birthday.
It feels so good and extraordinary for someone to do special things for you on your birthday. I am beyond excited about the turn-up, gifts, and warm wishes. You are the best.
In all honesty, I am humbled by the effort you have all shown through the messages and wishes I received, plus the birthday party which will forever be etched in memory. You guys are the best. Thank you.
I received birthday wishes from my friends all over the world – on different timezones. Thank you everyone for wishing me yesterday and today!
Funny Thank You Messages For Birthday Wishes
Thank you for making me poorer by a few bucks. Am going to take my revenge soon.
Thank You is just enough for your boring birthday wishes. I just gave you icy cold stares because you came without a gift. How could you?
Thank you for travelling 4 kms for free cake, food and drinks. Great efforts!
I would have thanked you from the bottom of my heart if I had a heart. Thanks for the birthday wishes.. lol!
Thank you for wishing me. I knew you would be happy to see me getting older first.
Thank you for announcing to the world that today is my birthday. Now, everyone’s asking, where’s the party?
Thank you for wishing me a day before my birthday. Shows your eagerness for treat.
Thank you for all the birthday greetings. Incidentally, this is also the day that I accept donations in cash or in kind (food, beer, house cleaning, etc.). I feel so loved.
Thank you for taking time out from your busy schedule and wishing me. Now you can go back to snoozing.
Oh! Isn’t your wish a copied one? Did you copy it from your last year’s collection? Ha! Ha! Thanks, buddy!
Thank you for travelling 4 kms for free cake, food and drinks. Great efforts!
Thanks buddy for your birthday wishes. But it had grammatical mistakes. Even the pre-schoolers have a better grammar sense than you.
Thank you for your birthday wishes. But that does not guarantee a party. A gift, however, might do the trick.
Thank you for your warm wishes. I have baked my birthday cake on them.
Thank you for remembering my birthday, even though I forgot about it. I am touched to know that I have friends who still love to find an excuse to get together for booze and pizza. Let’s forget that I got older, OK? Let’s just party!
I would cross a thousand miles and swim across oceans to tell you how thankful I am for your birthday greeting; but I’m too lazy for the impossible. Thank goodness we have technology.
Thank you, facebook friends for greeting me on my birthday and thank you also for tolerating my repetitive replies to all your greetings. It only happens once a year for me anyway.
Thank you for the wishes. I’ll try to remember you when I throw my party.
Thank you for wishing me. Is the nightmare over or am I still sleeping on my birthday?
So, should I thank you or facebook birthday reminder for remembering my birthday?

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