Funny Get Well Soon Messages
When a loved one is sick or hospitalised, you need to find ways to boost their spirit and put a smile on their face. A funny get well soon message can help make your loved one cheery and feel better.
Below, you will find a collection of funny get well soon messages that you can share with your loved ones to make them cheer up and recover as soon as possible.
Hilarious Get Well Soon Messages For Girlfriend & Wife
I had bought some of your favorite chocolates but your doctor said you are not allowed to eat them. So, will you get well soon or I eat them all?
In case you’re wondering, I sent those flowers for the nurse, not for you! Just kidding! Hope you feel better soon by seeing them!
Get well soon, but I wish your crazy mind doesn’t get well at all. I like you that way.
I know I have always told you you can rock just any clothes, but, you see those hospital overalls are the exception to the rule. Get well soon!
If you were not this beautiful, the virus would not have hit on you. I am luckier than you because I am not as charming as you. Get well soon!
You just needed a HUGacetamol and a KISSpirin to get well. You are sick because you miss me so.
The face you make when you swallow your medicine reminds me of a gagging lizard. Get well soon baby before you start planning a fight with me.
You are quite the celebrity. I couldn’t even find a space for the flowers I brought for you. It’s okay now; you have made your point. Kindly get well soon.
I may not be a doctor… but they do say that duct tape fixes everything! Lol.. Get well soon sweetie!
I’ve waved my magic wand to make it all better… what’s taking so long? Get well soon!
I endure the smell of the hospital because of you. I hope it pays off, unless you want to pay me for abuse. Don’t forget that I have a very crazy lawyer. Better get well soon.
I know I’m not an exciting, fabulous boyfriend, but at least I’m more interesting than some white bed sheets and some tasteless hospital foods. Get well soon!
I’m beginning to long for your noisy self. Don’t feel too important, please. Hurry up and get well soon.
You felt that you are too thin and so fell sick to gain weight. See how fat you are growing. Get well to avoid being obese. Just kidding.. Get well soon baby!
I hope you get well soon so I can actually hug you tight without fear of breaking you, fist bump with no fear of breaking your bones and peck you with no fear of catching a bug.
Hilarious Speedy Recovery Messages For Family And Friends
You must be enjoying all the attention of people towards you. Get well soon because I need some attention too.
Congratulations you are officially sick! Enjoy the holidays. Relax a lot. Get well soon and come back home so that we also get the opportunity to fall ill.
I have grown weary of praying for your healing. I am so coming with my healing hands to slap the sickness out from your body.
If your immune system was a lawyer, I would fire it. It doesn’t seem to be defending you well enough.
I wish you get well soon. Eating all the sweets and goodies brought for you has lost its appeal. Besides, I think I am getting bigger than my clothes. I cannot conquer this food mountain without you.
I just heard that you were sick last night, so I had a beer in your name and made a toast to you. Can’t wait until I don’t have to drink alone anymore.
I thought a hospitalised person’s appetite for food goes downhill. It is not so in your case. Get well soon and start cooking your own meals.
Get well soon and come back. We are all waiting to know how hospital food tastes like.
I was thinking the whole night that if you weren’t that much beautiful then that bacteria might have left you alone. I’m so happy that I’m not good looking like you. Anyway, get well soon brother.
To say that I am tired of visiting you in the hospital is an understatement. I am fed up with seeing you lazy on that bed. I don’t want to come there and leave without you in my next visit. You better get well fast.
I think I know why they often paint hospital white. I think it has something to do with white being a good background for pictures. Put on a smile, we would take a picture once you get well enough to leave.
I have a feeling that you are well but don’t want to say so to avoid going back to work. You are busted!
If all the doctors are as hot as yours, I’d choose to be sick every day! Get well soon buddy.
I told your mom that I’m praying for your quick recovery. So, get well soon and make my prayers true, otherwise I’ll stop doing so.
If you did not eat those ice creams without me then may be fever wouldn’t come this severely. Happy ice cream eating now fast recovery soon.
A healthier you means less work for me. What are you waiting for? Get well soon!
Learned a long time ago that minor surgery is when they do the operation on someone else, not you. Get well soon dear friend.
Sending all the warmest regards so that you feel the warmness of fever twice. Just kidding dear. Feel good soon.
Your absence cannot be tolerated anymore, because I don’t have anyone to fight now, so feel better soon!
Hoping for your complete recovery, because I don’t want to come to the hospital for a second time!
Funny Get Well Soon Messages For Boyfriend & Husband
Falling ill is a great opportunity to get paid offs at work, vacation from school, get your beauty sleep and most importantly, to fund our poor doctors. Get well soon boo.
You are sick. When will you die? Just kidding! I hope you will be well soon!
You are missing out on a lot of things. Right now, I am gobbling down your favourite food. Get well soon lest I eat all and you have nothing left.
This stupid illness is robbing me of attention. Dump the idiot and come back to me. Get well soon dear.
Did you know that you really snore? The nurse told me the other day that the other patients could not sleep because of you. Get well. Come home. We at home are used to it.
You really need to get well soon and come back to contributing your quota to societal development. Or at least, add to the number of people using up air outside. We need to balance these things you know.
I wish you to make a speedy recovery. You know I need to borrow some money! Don’t you know that you are the only bank I take loans from! So get well dear!
Germs, like everyone else, find you irresistible! Get well soon!
It must not be feeling like you are in the hospital, especially when the nurse is so hot. Lucky you!
Everyone is praying for you, including the baby in my womb. He has been kicking a lot these days. Get well soon.
I have come to know that most of these drugs start with ‘anti’ – antibiotics, antiemetics, anticonvulsants, antihypertensives and the likes. I have been developing a drug of my own, something special just for you; “anti-hospital-stay”. It has just one job and that’s is to get you well.
On behalf of all caregivers, I would like to inform you that our services will be closing down for maintenance and as such would like you get well soon before such date is reached.
I know you are getting a lot of attention now a days. Just so you know, I’m also getting some unexpected attentions from some unexpected people. Get well soon before it’s too late!
I know you have formed a deep relationship with your hospital bed and you guys have become buddies but you should remember that you have your bed at home and if you do not get well soon, it may just die of jealousy. You have been warned.
I thought a superman doesn’t fall sick. Why did you tell me you are one and yet shivering on the bed like a leaf that caught cold? Live up to your name by getting well soon!

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