Congratulatory Messages For New Born Baby
A new born baby is a divine bundle of joy, a priceless gift that all the money in the world cannot buy. Having a baby is one of the most precious things that can happen to a family.
If you know a loved one that just welcomed a new baby, the right thing to do is to send a heartfelt congratulatory message and plan to visit them with a nice gift to welcome their little bundle of joy.
Below, we have compiled an array of congratulatory messages and wishes that will help you celebrate with your loved ones and congratulate them on the arrival of their baby.
Best Congratulatory Messages For New Born Baby
Congratulations on having a beautiful healthy baby. You dreamed of having a family and today you are fortunate to live it.
There’s something about babies that make us smile and believe in goodwill to all humans. We feel warm and fuzzy all over and start wishing good wishes for everyone. We look forward to meeting your new baby soon.
Congratulations on the arrival of your double barrel of fun. You have been twice blessed with your newborn twins. It’s going to be double dose of fun, laughter, love and dirty diapers. Enjoy it all!
Hi, you two! Finally, you are blessed with your first child and you are on your way to becoming the most charming little family. I am so thrilled that our little ones are close in age. I hope they can be the very best friends and have fun with each other like we did. Congratulations! Lots of love from us.
Dear best friend, I am so excited for you becoming a mother and I am so thrilled with the birth of your little one! I always thought you would become an amazing mother one day, and now here you are with the birth of your first child. I promise I will be the best loving aunt ever. I can’t wait to meet your baby! Xoxo
Congrats! May your newest arrival also bring with it much joy and happiness. All the best and with lots of love
May your baby’s cute smile and laughs, be a spike of happiness in your life’s graph. So happy for you two! That’s going to be one lucky baby. Congratulations.
There is nothing sweeter in this world than the smell of your newborn baby’s breath, the happy cooing sounds and the smell of baby skin. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.
Everything about a baby that comes off as stress is made up for in other beautiful things like the baby’s smile and smell… May these beauties not elude you in the journey of parenting. Congratulations!
My prayers are with you and the little one today; the grace and the strength to be wonderful parents have been granted to you from heaven. Congratulations on the birth of your new baby.
Having a new baby changes a wife and husband into a mommy and daddy. As you venture into parenthood together, you will become wiser and more mature, while finding a new profound love for the amazing baby you have produced. Congratulations on the birth of your baby.
The warmest congratulations on your new arrival! Hope mum and baby are doing well and I cannot wait to see you both!
Babies are wonders, babies are fun, congratulations on your new little one! Love just got real. So very excited for you.
May your precious newborn baby brings happiness to the world and special joy to you! So happy for you two! Congratulations for new born baby!
People talk fondly of the joy that comes with holding a newborn. I’m so happy that you get to have this joy for the next few years!
Babies are small wonders of the world, but they are also fun, engaging and playful. May your new baby be all of the above and much better in everything. Congratulations, dear friend.
May this baby be a constant reminder that there is always a light at the end of a tunnel. I pray that happiness and joy may follow him all his life. Congratulations, my dear.
Happy snuggling days of yours are finally here. Put a ‘baby on board’ sticker on your car and rock on with the new bud. Congratulations!
Congratulations!! As new parents may you be filled with much joy and happiness with the arrival of your new baby . Wishing your new family all the very best.
A father so handsome, a mom so pretty – no wonder your newborn is such a sweetie. Ahhh! Freaking out over here. Congratulations, you guys!
Lovely Messages & Wishes For New Born Baby Girl
Newborn girls are made of sunshine, paradise, and everything nice. Bask in her warming glow.
Dear baby girl, welcome to world! You are such a cute little baby; your parents are so lucky to have you! But I can assure you, that your parents are the best loving people I know. Be prepared to a mother that will brush your hair and worry about you when you’re out and forgot to text her. And a father that will teach you things and be protective towards that one lucky fella who gets to take you to prom. And also me! A loving aunt you can always run to when you’re angry at your parents 😉 Welcome to the family! I am so happy to have you as my niece. Love, your aunt.
Now we have got a princess in the king’s palace. The king and queen have long awaited your arrival and it’s our pleasure that you are here now. Congratulations on the birth of your princess.
Today, you add a new bouquet of flowers to your life: a beautiful baby girl. I wish you and your entire family lots of joy as you welcome this special blessing into your life.
We raise our cups high to congratulate you on the birth of your cute princess. Cheers to your new load of joy, much love from here. Congratulations and best wishes in this new chapter.
Everything you’ve ever wished for is sleeping right in front of you. I remember how much you desired to hold your baby girl in your arms. I’m so happy for you dearest. Enjoy motherhood!
Ten little fingers, ten little toes and a sparkle in her eye – what more could you ask for in such a stunning little baby girl? Congratulations
You must be beyond proud to welcome your angelic baby girl into this world. We don’t deserve such kind of beauty in our lives, but we take it all as a blessing from above. Cherish this baby with all you have and guard her against all negativity. The Lord will keep her safe all the days of her life.
Welcome to the world princess! Thank you for extending this family and making it beautiful. We are eager to see you growing up.
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. Sometimes she’ll cry so much that you won’t know what to do, she’ll pull your hair and want to try on all your shoes and sometimes mess up the whole house. However, one thing is guaranteed; She will bring you more joy than you could ever imagine, even during the mischievous times. In times of trouble and disappointment, just pick her up and look into her eyes, you’ll find bliss and peace in those beautiful eyes. Once again, congratulations on the birth of your baby girl.
Cute Messages & Wishes For New Born Baby Boy
I wish the handsome young prince who just joined your beautiful family much love, heaps of blessings and an eternity of bliss. Congratulations!
May every giggle of your new baby boy put wide smiles on your faces and flood your hearts with immense joy. Congratulations!
After nine months of heaviness and perseverance, you have finally received your blessing. I am so happy for you, dear friend. I pray that your baby grows into a strong man full of wisdom and stature.
Merely looking at your adorable sweet baby, I know he’s going to bring you more joy and happiness than you have ever experienced in your lives. He’s a great blessing packaged in a little body. Take good care of him. Congratulations!
Your baby boy will bring happiness to your life. He will grow up to be your knight in shining armor and your superhero. Baby boys are indeed a blessing and congratulations on having one.
May your baby boy be the angel that you were always looking for. May he make your life happy, prosperous and pure. Congratulations.
There are very few feelings that can compete with the feeling of having a bouncing baby boy! We look forward to seeing you scold and hold him simultaneously! Congratulations
What a miracle to behold a tiny little boy and envision how big this little one will become…God bless this new life. Congratulations!
I pray heaven grants you the love and wisdom to take care of this little one and to show him the right way to follow. Congratulations to you and the little prince.
Nature has gifted you with one of her best sons. May his presence enrich all our lives. Congratulations!

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