Sample Tributes To Deceased Father
Fathers are the first true heroes you meet on earth. They are always there to guide, support and give good advice to their children. Losing a father creates a void in our hearts that can never be filled.
Below, we have compiled an array of sample tributes to late father. We hope these sample deceased father tributes will help you write a befitting eulogy that captures the beautiful life and sacrifices made by your late father.
You may also like to check out: I Miss You Messages For Dad After Death
Heartfelt Tributes / Eulogies To Late Father
that special smile,
that caring heart,
that warm embrace,
you always gave us.
You being there
for Mom and us,
through good and bad times,
no matter what.
We’ll always remember
you Dad because
they’ll never be another one
to replace you in our hearts,
and the love we will always
have for you. Adieu Dad..
It’s sad to know that my dad left us exactly a decade ago, but again it is a loving memory for me when I think about the life of my dad & all he did for me in the short time we spent together. The good memories remains with me forever, knowing the ability impacted by my dad into my life. All the good things that he taught me …. An intelligent and intellectual man full of joke’s, always stresses the importance of education and hard work in life to become a great person…. Daddy, my heart bleeds each time I remember that you are gone, but your loving & caring fatherly role will continue lingering in my humble heart..
I don’t know where to begin, all I keep thinking is how I wish I had that “one more” opportunity to see you daddy, to hear your voice and to see you smile or even crack a joke. You were everything to me, you did everything for us all. …. You were the brother that I never had. I love you dad, you were my hero… The legacy you left us is what made me what I am today and keeps me progressing in life… You lived for others, always helping others. I’ll do my best to carry on in your footsteps. I am happy that I’m one of your children & I’m so glad you are a grandfather for my children. Your memory will not die in me… Thinking about the time spent together do bring smile to my face and I remember your smile also. Dad you are in my heart, and you are here in spirit even as I’m typing now.. I will always love you and miss you dad… Continue to Rest in peace dad. Adieu!!
Your Loving Son
Dad only made it through the 10th grade, but he managed to raise 4 kids by working hard in the same factory job for over 47 years. By responsibly saving, he was even able to have a financially secure retirement.
He was a silent man, rarely expressing his opinion. Because he would be exhausted at the end of his work day, we hardly talked; he would fall asleep in his chair. Yet I knew he loved all of us kids, even when we disappointed him. His kids and good deeds are his legacy. Mom was at his side when he died, and after 65+ years of marriage, all she wanted was “20 more minutes.” You were a great man dad. We are proud to be your kids, yet heartbroken that you are no more. Adieu Dad!!
Well he was the best father I think anyone could ask for. Always had a smile on his face, never let anything get to him, he was in a coma for a long time. But even so I would always see a smile.
My father was born on the _____________. I was raised by my dad alone as an only child. I basically followed in his footsteps which made me what I am today. I am forever grateful for that.
I can’t be accurate of when my dad was in a coma but when news had originally hit I refused to visit him (Not out of spite, mainly because I didn’t wanna get upset in front of my Nan). But luckily he pulled through, and I was ecstatic the old fart has to spend more years with me.
But on the (Insert death date) my life came to a complete stop. I was fast asleep in my room and I was supposed to be going out with a couple of friends. I had noticed my dog wasn’t in my room so I went to check outside (My house is a bungalow). And the second I turned the corner he was laying on this chest. At first I thought we was messing around because we had this childish bond, but I called his name 6 times and no response. I think in these situations you don’t think you only react and you go numb for a while.
I don’t want to explain more because I know it’s too soon to post this but I’d rather get it out because leaving it in my head isn’t great. But that’s the life of my dad, soldier, father, best friend. He gave me the best 21 years of my life and to that I’ll remember him as he always was; childish but caring.
Sleep well dad, I’ll never forget you.
Stood staunch against the sky and all around
Shed beauty, grace and power.
Within its fold birds safely reared their young.
The velvet ground beneath was gentle,
and the cooling shade gave cheer to passers by.
Its towering arms a landmark stood, erect and unafraid,
As if to say, “Fear naught from life’s alarms”.It fell one day.
Where it had dauntless stood was loneliness and void.
But men who passed paid tribute – and said,
“To know this life was good,
It left it’s mark on me. Its work stands fast”.
And so it lives. Such life no bonds can hold –
This giant pine, magnificent and old. Adieu Dad.
You were quiet mostly, but also funny. You never judged us by gender, you treated us all equally, you made sure you provided all we needed, all you asked us in return was just to make good grades and bring home our certificates. Now, you left without waiting to see our certificates, you couldn’t even give us a sign that you would soon leave. I regret leaving the house in a hurry last Christmas, if I had known that was the last time I would see you, I wouldn’t have gone back to school in a hurry. Now I miss you every single day. You are all we ever had, and now you are gone, I just wish this was just a nightmare so I can wake up to your call tomorrow cause I miss you so so much. I can’t get over this. I miss you a lot .. I LOVE YOU DADDY..
I still cannot believe you have left us- we will always remember and love you. You have a left a big void in our lives and life will never be the same again. You will always be in our thoughts, prayers and in our hearts. I wish we expressed how much we loved you when you were here with us. I wish I could turn back time. We will never forget you -and you always remain our dear daddy.
Love from your children.. Adieu dad!!
We find ourselves wondering …..
Did we remember to thank you enough
For all you have done for us?
For all the times you were by our sides
To help and support us …..
To celebrate our successes
To understand our problems
And accept our defeats?
Or for teaching us by your example,
The value of hard work, good judgment,
Courage and integrity?
We wonder if we ever thanked you
For the sacrifices you made.
To let us have the very best?
And for the simple things
Like laughter, smiles and times we shared?
If we have forgotten to show our
Gratitude enough for all the things you did,
We’re thanking you now.
And we are hoping you knew all along,
How much you meant to us. Farewell Dad. We love you!
He’s still our hero!!
Daddy you were the mirror at which I looked at my life, the mirror at which I looked at myself and now that you are gone my life is so empty that I feel it in my soul. My solace is the fact that you live a righteous life. Every moments of your life is like a book on a path towards heavenly bliss..
Daddy when I close my eyes the image of you is all I see… The summary of our togetherness from cradle to your exit lingers on my mind it’s a memory that even death cannot erase…
Your departure has made me broken and transformed me into a man. Not by gender but by willingness to do what great men do knowing that death is the end of every mortal. The transformation that life is vain and everything in it is vanity.
This death won’t separate us as I would soon grow old and exit just like you did and we meet again soon to continue as father and son. Then my son also would pay tribute to me like I am doing this morning to your blessed memory.
Rest in the Lord true soldier of faith. Adieu my mirror.
Adieu my Hero!!
In the world where men are seeking after fame;
But he had a healthy brood of girls and boys
Who loved the very ground on which he trod.
They thought him just little short of God;
Oh you should have heard the way they said his name –
‘Father.’There seemed to be a loving little prayer
In their voices, even when they called him ‘Dad.’
Though the man was never heard of anywhere,
As a hero, yet somehow understood
He was doing well his part and making good;
And you knew it, by the way his children had
Of saying ‘Father.’He gave them neither eminence nor wealth,
But he gave them blood untainted with a vice,
And opulence of undiluted health.
He was honest, and unpurchable and kind;
He was clean in heart, and body, and in mind.
So he made them heirs to riches without price –
This father.He never preached or scolded; and the rod –
Well, he used it as a turning pole in play.
But he showed the tender sympathy of God.
To his children in their troubles, and their joys.
He was always chum and comrade with his boys,
And his daughters – oh, you ought to hear them say
‘Father.’Now I think of all achievements ‘tis the least
To perpetuate the species; it is doneBy the insect and the serpent, and the beast.
But the man who keeps his body, and his thought,
Worth bestowing on an offspring love-begot,
Then the highest earthly glory he was won,
When in pride a grown-up daughter or a son
Says ‘That’s Father.’ Adieu My Father.. I miss you!